Adapt and Thrive

We set out to improve the everyday lives of amputees and developed the most advanced evolution in skin therapy.


( ad-ap-'tE) Function; (noun) - A survivor who does not allow their identity to be defined by the event of limb loss.

  • Having tried every remedy, potion, lotion, and trick imaginable, nothing compares to your product. You have revolutionized skin care.

    Jim, Adaptee

  • “...over the years I’ve had a variety of skin problems on my residual limb. Since I started using adaptskin everyday I haven’t had any problems with skin breakdown.”

    Patt Lott, Adaptee

  • “Bottom Line is Adaptskin works! It stays on, doesn’t become odorous, and protects my skin.”

    Chris Watson, Adaptee

Adaptskin right for you?

Order a *free sample of adaptskin for yourself today and get vertical!

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